Make Tools Workshop and Six Hats Workshop- Ribirth Huang

In this class we learned about the Enchanted design, this is also the form of design that needs to be done in our group project. So in the Making tool workshop, our common goal with other teams is to solve problems with cats. Because I have two cats, I suggested that the biggest worry for raising cats is to clean their toilets every day and clean their meals every day. Since there are already a lot of products about cat toilets on the market, we decided to focus on solving the problem of rice bowl cleaning. Unexpectedly, after deciding on the problem, Leon asked us to switch to the next group to solve the problem they asked. Their problem is that sometimes we forget to feed the cat and cause the cat to be hungry. I think this is also a very good question. I and my team members agreed that a robot that automatically feeds cats should be designed. On this machine, we can set the time and weight of automatic feeding. For example, 100 grams of cat food will be automatically fed without five hours. When the machine fails, it will make a sound to remind people to check. Then we switched to the next group, then we need to make a simple prototype for the solution proposed in the previous group. The problem with this group is about communication between people and cats. The solution is to make a program that translates the sounds of the cat and translates the human language into a sound that the cat can understand. We think this solution is more difficult. So we designed an app, the main interface is divided into two, the left side can record their own voice, and translated into the cat’s voice, and the right side can record the cat’s voice, translated into human language. I think this workshop is very interesting. It allows us to not only be limited to the problems we have come up with, but also to think from others’ perspectives and get more design inspiration.

For the six hats workshop, we are divided into five groups. Each group represents a different role in solving the problem. Every hat is indispensable in the process of solving problems. The role of our group is white, which is the fact. This part seems to be the simplest, but I think this part is the basis of design. Only when we clearly understand the reality, can we think about the next step. After clearing out her characters, we watched an interview video about Eric, who described his current situation and some of the problems he faced. After watching, we summed up some facts about Eric. The facts about meditation are the most important, and this is what we need to solve. Of course, the schedule that Eric mentioned and his daily habits are not to be ignored.

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