Make Tools Workshop & Six Hats Workshop Reflection – Emerald Dou

During the class we learned about Enchanted Objects, which is our group project’s framework, and for the workshop we worked with problems regarding cats. Our group came up with the problem that It is very troublesome to wash the dishes every time after the cat eats. After each group had a problem, we were required to switch groups, and to think of a solution to another group’s problem. We switched to a group whose problem is to feed cats on time. Aiming at this problem, our group came up with an idea that we can design a machine that automatically feed the cats. People can set the weight of food fed per time, and also the feeding frequency on the machine or on a connected app, so cats will no longer starve, and get into a healthier dairy. Then, we switched again to a different table, and tried to make a model or tool according to last group’s solution. This time the problem is about the communication between human and cats. It is really hard to think of a thing that can strengthen communication, the only thing we can think of is to build a cat <-> human language translation app. I think this workshop is very meaningful. It opened up our minds and offered us a chance to think and work together, and also trained our ability to complete tasks based on different ideas with in a very limited time. It is also very helpful to the construction of our own project.

For the persuasive design framework, we had a six hats workshop, which is very interesting. We were divided into groups, and each group were assigned to a different color. Our group was white hat, which means we had to present all the facts about Eric, the character in the video, who wanted to meditate more but never realized. According to the video we can see that Eric does not have a regular routine. He absolutely wants to meditate more, and has several apps about meditation in his phone. He has more time in the morning than in the evening, so he wants to have meditation in the morning. Our group’s task is relatively simpler, but it is also very interesting to listen to other groups’ ideas, solutions and feedback. Actually at first I thought every hats are separated and only need to do their own job, but after the discussion I realized that although these hats represent different steps, they are all connected and based on each other. So I think it maybe better if some groups can discuss together first and then separate to focus on their own task.

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