Future Product (Nura Headphones) – Bonnie Chan

Trend: Nura Headphones and Collection of sound profile data


Nura headphones are bluetooth headphones connected to the Nura mobile app on mobile phones for users to collect and monitor their data. These headphones are capable of sensing the sensitivity of user’s ears and their hearing levels in order to create a visual profile of their hearing that also uses different shapes and colors that are unique to each user. These headphones collect sound data through detecting the sound from the user’s ears during play back in order to learn about the user’s individual traits. Most importantly, the Nura mobile app allows for users to shared and use other individual’s sound profile settings. 

Possible Scenarios:

-Users may begin to activity and easily share music amongst one another

– There is no privacy between users and they find themselves expose to everyone’s profiles

-Users will only be capable of listening to music through his/hers unique sound profile 

-Possibility of your hearing sensitivity changing and adapting to another person’s hearing profile.


A possible solution for the problem of sound collection data privacy is the thought of creating a lock on the mobile app or the headphones. By allowing the user to put a lock on your own sound profile or limiting your own ability to access other individual’s sound profile will allow for users to solve the problem of privacy. I think the only problem I have with this design is that it is possible for the company to still share a user’s information without consent. However, also, users are required to intentionally or actively lock and unlock the information with these two product designs and that may be hard for the user to control or actively do. 

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