Video Project – Mingyue Deng, Billie Jean, Manal

Project: Video Project – DRAMA NYUSH

Documented By: Mingyue Deng


For this project, I was responsible for the technology part. After we came up with what we wanted to do, I rented the camera and recording pieces of equipment from the Equipment Room. Then, I filmed the front side and the lobby of the academic building. When I was filming these places, I could not set up the tripod to a stable condition, so I decided to film by hand and made them be a little shaky on purpose since Billie Jean filmed her part on a go-pro, making it feel like a survival game. I took about 6 videos, but we are only using pieces from the videos. Since I was not able to upload all six due to technical difficulties, I chose the three best videos to share with my group members.


After I finished uploading these videos to the Google Drive folder, we set up a time to film the interview scenes. Before Billie Jean could get out of her classes, Manal and I filmed several scenes in the school featuring some students. Then, we found a study room to do the interviews. I set up the TASCAM recorder and the microphone and attached the camera onto the tripod. We chose to put the tripod on the table to make it stand on the same level as the interviewees. As the interviews went on with Billie Jean asking questions then Manal asking questions, I checked the camera and made sure that the devices are functioning as they should be.

Although I missed the last week of post-production classes and user-testing due to special circumstances, I finished my part of the project before I left. Even though I was not responsible for the post-production, Billie Jean had problems uploading the files, so I asked her to send them to me so I could upload them. However, when I received the files, there is something wrong with the attachment of the video to the index.html page. It starts to download automatically without playing. Since I did not have the time to fix it, I uploaded it like that and I’m not sure if it’s only reacting like that on an Apple computer.

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