Response to ‘”History of Net Art” – Jamie (Ziying Wang)

Before reading this article, I had always thought internet art is founded by an artist who created this form of art intentionally. Therefore, it was shocking for me when I read that internet art is created without intention, just a lucky discovery.

I think what makes internet art booms in our society is its convenience in spreading and its interaction. Nowadays, the internet is an indispensable element in our lives, sharing art through this media is the easiest of all, visiting art museums, appreciating artworks and reading art magazines, these traditional ways of appreciating arts are getting more inconvenient.

Also, interaction is the element audiences are expecting more and more now. We no longer want to stop by artwork and just appreciate it within a certain distance, that is a less efficient way of art-appreciating because most of us aren’t art professions and we are tired of reading the description of artworks, instead we want to feel it ourselves and therefore generate our own understandings. The internet is the media that satisfies all these conditions. The internet art I selected last time was “exhausting a crowd” and the creator wants to express the feeling of being monitored. Most internet art projects aim like the traditional artworks, they want to serve a certain purpose of expressing the creator’s idea.

The future of the internet art is very bright, instead of limited on the pc, it’s going on other devices like VR, where users are allowed to appreciate this form of art with a better atmosphere.

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