Recitation 9: Final Project Process – Citlaly Weed – Young

  1. Malika – E-MAZE
    1. concept: A game where a player controls a ball with a handle where you are guiding the ball through a maze attempting to color the ground that will light up once the ball passes ontop a tile that serves as the ground. Each level will be designed to your own skill level that is dictated by the time you spend on the level.
    2. suggested improvements: There were two main suggestions. One was that once the ball hit the wall that there be a sound. The second was that there be a trial run so that the player can become familiar and the game does not use the unfamiliarity of the gamers play as their skill for future levels.
    3. my thoughts: I like it because there are many games where they have one single level ready to go, but here you can tell the game what level you are ready for. That feature of the game is the special part of the game.
  2. Caren – Ready, Get set, Guess! 
    1. concept: A game where two players have to guess what/who is in a blurred picture (that will slowly unblur as time goes on) before the time runs out. There will be three buttons that correlate with three multiple choice options on the screen. 
    2. suggested improvements: There were questions on when the game would end and if there would be different levels. I suggested that like the game Kahoot that depending on the time the person would guess that they would receive a certain amount of points. It was also suggested that there be two sets of buttons to better add up who’s point was who’s and also maybe what if there was a split screen.
    3. my thoughts: Again, I like it nothing like testing your recognition skills or maybe revealing how a little too deep you are in the pop culture scene by guessing all those popular memes. Overall sounds very fun to beat the clock and the other player.
  3. Jennifer – Labyrinth
    1. concept: A game where one play plays as Theseus, who is trying to solve/ get out of the labyrinth, and the other who is the Minotaur, who is trying to catch Theseus/ the other player. This game will be controlled by a joystick and on the screen will show a bird’s eye view of the labyrinth. Also, there is a heart rate thing in the beginning where you try to ‘charge’ it in the beginning and depending on how high your heart rate was that is how fast you will be in the game.
    2. suggested improvements: There was a great suggestion that maybe you can see the other player’s trail of where they had been. Also, maybe add a split screen if the trail seeing becomes apart of the game.
    3. my thoughts: I find this one pretty dope. I like the idea of two people up against each other like this battling it out and also getting some greek methodology in. Also, the heart rate thing is cool because you’re telling the software depending on how fast you can get your heart rate how fast you are going to catch/ run away from the player.

Interaction: It seems that between the other group members that have an established concept of what interaction has to be. For example, Jennifer believes that “I define interaction as a breakable cycle in which two or more actors’ outputs build off of and enact direct causation onto each other. One actor’s output is directly a unique result of other’s output”. When we where in the research group project I agreed with this definition. Now though I still agree with that concept; it works fine in my concept of levels of different types of interactions that can not be ordered in a hierarchy, but communicate interaction diffrently. 

My project feedback:

I agree when they felt that my proposal was very stressful. Malika has done this before so she was real with me and said that this would be hard to code and the loading of an iagme would very demanding. They also said that the pop up screen that I wanted to try out might be too confusing while a palyer is tring to play. They suggesed that we should make levels and let is foucus on one issue. Actually that inspired me to keep the same idea, but that once you collect all the bad guys that the end card has a desciptions of each world issue. There was also concern about the vibration sensore, but Olivia mentioned that the only movemnt that the chracter would need is to jump because ‘gravity’ would cause the chracter to fall anyway if the perosn did not jump. Also it was suggested that maybe we could try out a DDR dance pad which I found cool. They were extreamly helpful and I will definatly watch out for any challegenes they warned me about! I will definatly be consider if a DDR dance pad is possible, but who knows. Overall they were very nice to share their wisdom.

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