Recitation 8: Serial Communication by Guangbo Niu

Drawing Board

It was not hard to connect the circuit and modify the code, since I had experience using them in previous classes. However, I construed the instruction as making a circle that moves, instead of making a drawing brush, which lead to the following video.

After consulting with one of the fellows, I realized that I should’ve made a brush that leaves continuous traces on the screen. So I modified the code: delete the “background(0)” from void draw section, and then made the circle smaller, which lead to the following outcome.

The traces that the circle leaves is not continuous enough. I think that is because the rate at which the potentiometer sends signal exceeds the the frame rate.

Circuit 1 diagram
Circuit 1 diagram

Musical Instrument

My midterm project was mainly about buzzers so it did not take me much time to figure out how a buzzer works. However, I couldn’t figure out how the duration works here. I expected to work even without duration. But as I deleted the duration function, it immediately stopped working.

Circuit 2 diagram
Circuit 2 diagram

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