Week 11: “Superbad” Internet Art Project reflection – Hanna Rinderknecht-Mahaffy

The internet art project I chose was “Superbad,” by Ben Benjamin. Link to project:  http://www.superbad.com. The art piece is, according to the site, “like a game without rules.” The user clicks randomly through the art pieces, the user is linked to the next, sometimes random, page of art. For example: 


When the user click on the above art piece, the spinning flowers appear and disappear depending on which ones are clicked. Eventually, clicking the page leads to the next art piece shown below: 

The whole art project works in a similar way where the user has some semblance of narrative control over the art interactions, however there is an unknown element in terms of what will happen and which art piece will appear next. 

The artist, Ben Benjamin is a web designer who has created splash art for Rhizome which recreates the texture of Superbad, with abstract patterns and picture interaction. 

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