The Journey: Nate Hecimovich

Over the course of the semester we have primary focused on utilizing interaction to create visually aesthetic and artistic projects that incorporate modern technological advances.  While many demonstrations of interaction using contemporary technology fall under the umbrella term of “art”, others serve utilitarian purposes.  With my definition of interaction being, “any form of bilateral communication using physical, verbal, or audible methods”, it is not inconceivable that a wide array of projects with varying amounts of practicability exist under these conditions.  Serving as an inspiration for my own personal definition of interaction is Crawford’s “The Art of Interactive Design” where he categorizes interactivity as “a conversation: a
cyclic process in which two actors alternately listen, think, and speak.”   

My project will incorporate this definition of interaction by providing a means for a personal input and an atomized output.  I will prepare an interactive story in which players will take the reins of King of The North Robb Stark of Winterfell (Game of Thrones reference) as he makes crucial decisions to win the War of Five Kings.  There will be four buttons attached to an arduino; each button will represent a specific choice the player can make in each scene.  The first scene will present the initial situation listing four courses of action the player can take.  The story will then continue depending on the choice made by the player providing another unique situation where another decision may or may not be made (Some decisions may lead to elimination).  

Many of the projects we have looked at throughout the semester include sensory elements which then serve to alter a projected image.  However, this is not necessary in order to demonstrate interaction and it can lead to, in my opinion, a very repetitive and stagnant experience that looses its awe after a short time.  While my project will not use advanced sensory technology to further the goal of interaction, the input output method of communication as well as the varying results depending on personal choice constitutes a fun and unique version of interaction.

I will start by using Programming to prepare the interactive story itself and link it to the arduino as to read the responses from the buttons.  The primary challenge will just be the tedious and repetitive nature of having so many if and for statements within the code to transition between different parts of the story.  I can imagine that it will become very long and arduous to read and surf through to find mistakes I may make.  Overall though, I think it is a doable and fun project with the potential to create an engaging, interactive story.

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