Interactive Video Project Documentation – Kevin Xu

Documentation and Reflection: Kevin Xu

Project Proposal:

A parody of an interview for a job meant to show that people shouldn’t judge others purely based off appearance. We wanted to achieve this through the ability to switch videos.

Project Description

The story of our film involves a regular candidate for a job interview being interviewed by a somewhat delusional boss. The boss immediately judges her by what she looks like, and decides that she is the stereotypical LA girl. During the interview the viewer can switch from a third person perspective to see what’s actually going on, and a first person perspective where the viewer is able to see what the delusional boss is saying.


We split our project into three main parts: video editing, web layout, and javascript. I mainly worked on javascript and helped a little with web layout. We all finished our parts and put them together, creating a visually appealing yet working interface for the viewer to interact with the video. I used two videos stacked on top of each other simultaneously playing so changing videos would not force the viewer to rewatch the parts they’ve already watched.


The main issue that came up formatting the video so that it fit inside of the television. We wanted to emulate a TV show, so we found it important to frame the video inside the television, with the buttons being similar to buttons on an old TV.

Project Reflection: 

The final product Cara, Evan, and I came up with was similar to our starting idea in code, but not in story. Our story changed dramatically since our original idea involved a restaurant setting but it eventually changed into an office setting. However I believe we created a product we were all proud of.

Below is a screenshot of the way I stacked videos on top of each other.

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