Week 4 Reading Response: Tiny Habits & BJ Fogg- Gabriel Chi

In BJ Fogg’s, “A Behaviour Model for Persuasive Design”, Fogg exemplifies the need for creating/ designing products that encourages or persuades human behaviour. Fogg asserts that through the FBM Model (Fogg Behaviour Model) , if the factors of motivations, triggers, and ability are all met, the more persuasive it is towards human behaviour. Throughout the paper, Fogg describes the need for creating more persuasive design, stating, “To effectively encode experiences that change behaviors, we need a
rich yet practical understanding of human psychology, specifically
insights into the factors that drive human behavior.” After reading this article, I was struck by the importance of persuasive design within our everyday lives. We need to incorporate more and more persuasive design within our surroundings, in order to encourage better habits and better lifestyles.

For my own “Tiny Habit”, I wanted to choose a goal that would meet all three factors mentioned in the FBM, therefore I chose to hydrate more throughout the 5 days. To reach this goal, every time I would check my phone, I would drink some water. This habit would not take any effort, would be within my ability, and the phone would be the trigger. I was easily able to reach my goal of creating a habit, due to how often I checked my phone. Even after the 5 days, I’ve gotten use to drinking more water on a regular basis. 

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