Tiny Habit – Zeyao Li

Tiny Habit:

From my observation that I had in the past few days, I realized that I always woke up around 7 something then I played my phone and fell back to sleep until 9-ish, which is not a healthy habit. I keep wondering why can’t I just get off my bed straightforwardly after the first time I wake up. 

Design System:

I first analyzed my tiny habit by using the chart that is provided in class. In terms of hard to get off my bed, I think it belongs to high ability and mid-motivation. Because the floor is right next to me, and the indoor temperature now is not bad, since it’s almost summer. Thus, theoretically, there should not be a problem for me to just get off. So, my design system is to help me increase my motivation for waking up. 

  1. Buy a good breakfast the night before
    Who doesn’t like some good food right after waking up from a nice sleep. A decent breakfast will help me increase my motivation. Because I know there will be food that is reachable. 
  2. Make a detail to-do list
    The second thing is to have a detailed to-do list before I go to bed. Making a to-do list can help me sort out the thing that I need to do the next day, and make me become clear about my schedule when I wake up. In this case, I will be more willing to wake up.
  3. Always leave a little bit of work for the morning
    The third one that I developed was to leave a bit of work for the next day to do. If I have the work that I need to submit on the next day, I will have the force to wake up and do it. Also it can help me sleep early since there will be less work.

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