Tiny Habit – Emerald Dou

From the moment I started using the electronic payment method, I began to blur the amount of money I spent as well as the balance of my account. Especially the WeChat wallet, since it will not prompt me how much money I have in my wallet, sometimes not until I see the prompt for payment failure, I realized that I was running out of money. This situation is a bit dangerous. Although there is still financial support from parents, this won’t continue after work. So now at least there should be some preparation.

The tiny habit I would like to develop is to transfer 10 Kuai to Yu’e Bao every time I brush my teeth, and my motivation for this is to prevent me from encountering such dangerous and embarrassing situation. The ability to do this is kind of between middle and high. Although the behavior to transfer ten Kuai to Yu’e Bao is easy, but it is not a routine yet and I may forget to do this. In order to help me remember, I decided to set the trigger as brushing teeth. Brushing teeth is something I have to do every day, so as long as I connect these two things, transferring money also becomes something I have to do every day. 

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