IML | Week10 Explore Deep Dream – Quoey Wu

This week, I chose to explore the Deep Dream because I think its visual effect is mysterious and cool. Firstly, I used the default parameters and tries it on my painting and a photo took before. The results turned out in this way:

  • ‘mixed2’: 0.2,
  • ‘mixed3’: 0.5,
  • ‘mixed4’: 2.,
  • ‘mixed5’: 1.5,
  • step = 0.01         # Gradient ascent step size
  • num_octave = 3      # Number of scales at which to run gradient ascent
  • octave_scale = 1.4  # Size ratio between scales
  • iterations = 20     # Number of ascent steps per scale
  • max_loss = 10.


Then I changed the parameters and wanted them to be more sharp. The former one is the result in the first case and the second one is the result in this case.

  • ‘mixed2’: 2,
  • ‘mixed3’: 0.5,
  • ‘mixed4’: 2.,
  • ‘mixed5’: 1.5,
  • step = 0.05         # Gradient ascent step size
  • num_octave = 3      # Number of scales at which to run gradient ascent
  • octave_scale = 1.4  # Size ratio between scales
  • iterations = 20     # Number of ascent steps per scale
  • max_loss = 5.


I notice that when mixed2 gets dominant and the step value goes up, the picture will have more lines and patterns, which I think is a good addition to picture of landscapes or scenery. Actually I also tried Deep Dream on some people’s face, but it turned out that the picture would get messy and the face’s outline would be stretched. I personally prefer its effect on landscapes so I remained these pictures. However, I feel like the use of Deep Dream is very random and sometimes to get better visual effect, what we can do is only keep trying. But without doubt it is a cool model which I enjoy a lot!

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