NOC – Week 1: P5.js practice – Andrew Joslyn


I’ve always just liked stuff that looks cool, and I wanted to practice using variables and conditionals rather than simple(r) things like mouseX,Y and mouse clicks, so I tried to make something abstract that changed over time. I like the idea of having some shapes move constantly while others move sporadically, because there are always patterns in the randomness. The initial few seconds after starting the sketch are completely chaotic, and I could have done a bit to tidy it up, but after a while the concept begins to form, and black space is randomly created while being constantly filled in every few seconds. I added a focal point to both direct the eye to the middle of the sketch and so to remind the viewer to stay there. There is a pretty clear indication that the sketch changes over time, but it does kind of “expire” after letting it run for a while (a minute or two), which will reduce the random and chaotic element to essentially nothing, and the sketch will just be four rectangles growing from the center.

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