Week 2: Response to “The Medium is the Message” by, Marshall McLuhan – Allie Dunnaville

“The Medium is the Message” by Marshall McLuhan argues that mediums influence how the content of a message is perceived by an audience, or in another sense the way something is conveyed by an audience affects the meaning of the message which a creator attempts to communicate. Something which stood out to me was how McLuhan pointed out that as technology emerged as a way to develop mediums for content, it was able to alter senses and patterns of perception (McLuhan 159). An example of when the content of a message can be changed is if I were to add my content to a collage versus if I were just to add my content to a blank background. The collage might give the allusion of being much more chaotic rather than if the message were on a poster with a solid background it may seem more organized, systematic, and harmonized.

Another issue the article brought up was that medium may change over time which may result in the way a message is conveyed. For example, the introduction of technology changed the way we interact with books. Reading books on kindles, computers, or iPads, may change the interaction between readers and the book because there lacks the physical turning of the page, smells of old and new books, as well as the sound the paper makes when flipping through its pages. These are just some of the ideas I picked up when reading McLuhan’s article.

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