Preparatory Research and Analysis by Anna

A. Go back to your definition of interaction as you defined it during the group project. Based on the initial definition and your experience developing and executing your midterm project, how has your definition of interaction evolved?

In the group project, I once defined interaction as a course that involves two actors to deliver information, process and give feedback to each other, which is based on “The Art of Interactive Design” by Crawford, and “Introduction to Physical Computing” by Igoe and O’sullivan. However, after experiencing making the midterm project and getting commentary from participants, I would like to add a touch to the “feedback” part. Now I think the feedback has two dimensions: immediate feedback during the interaction process, and final result at the end of that process. If the participants do not feel the process is complete or get any rewards from the process, they are very unlikely to have the sense of interacting with the project. 

B. Research at least two other interactive projects to serve as inspiration for your Final Project. Find projects that align with what you think interaction is and at least one that differs from it.

Project 1: Alias – A teachable “parasite” for your smart assistant

This project aligns with my thoughts on interaction. It includes clear input of voice and language information and output in multiple forms including but not limited to voice messages, controlling lights, searching online, etc. The voice feedback acts as the direct, immediate feedback part in my definition, while the functioning of orders placed by the user is the final result. 

Project 2: The Center for Counter-Productive Robotics – Human-centric approach to automation

This project, though may align with my former opinion of interaction, does not fit my definition of interaction anymore. The robot in this project does have some action and reaction with the user, but the whole process of using results in nothing more than an experience. 

Notes: I would like to apply a connection between physical objects and presentations in processing in my project. For now, I and my partner have been considering using a physical mirror as a component of the physical part and make a visual mirror on computer with processing to give the information output.  

C. Finally, propose a “new” definition of interaction in your own words. Draw from your account above and try to evolve your definition beyond the current convention. 

I define interaction as a course that provides a final result by multiple particpants delivering complex information, processing and giving instant feedback to each other


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