Week 2: Response to “The Medium Is the Message” – Oona Pecson

I think this reading was particularly interesting, because it gave a lot of insight into things that most of us have grown up knowing about or knowing they existed. For instance, the remarks on modes of transportation such as train and plane. We grew up knowing that these vehicles existed, but we not around to see just how much of an effect on people they had when first introduced so many years ago. The fact that it is these “mediums” that act as an instigator for change (forcing people to use them to discover other things) is something that not many people actually think about. They give people a means to think more, and to use their intellect to further develop the medium. Another good example in this reading  is light/ electricity. Once this was invented and perfected, there was only one thing we could do to it: continue to change and develop it. Seeing as nowadays we live in a technological boom, we can trace all of these innovations back to when the craft was first perfected. How interesting is that! Knowing that anything could potentially be a medium and force humans to continue to grow and develop it opens a plethora of doors to what could exist in the future. An exciting thought is the internet as a medium. People have been building upon it and creating new things using it, so one can only imagine just how much more great things can come out of this one medium alone. It’s so fascinating to thing about these possibilities.

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