Reflection on David Rose – Xiaoyan Kong

I’m impressed by the concept of “Enchanted Objects” that David Rose brings up. He thinks that the use of the concept “enchanted” will make the development strategy for the design of Internet of Things more successful. I believe that not only can it promotes the emotional connection between people and things, but also satisfy people’s imaginary needs/desires. What’s more, it will make people’s lives more interesting, or as he said – more magical. One of the examples David Rose gives is the music player that can sensor when children start to come home from school. It automatically plays personalized music. This design not only gives out the infomation that their children are coming back with personalizes music. The object has also been given a substitute function for  the corresponding person/object, so when the parents hear a certain songs they can imagine which child is coming back. From another perspective, it also promotes the emotional connections between human beings. Just like human beings have countless ways to express their emotions, I think it’s good that the objects can also communicate with humans in varies ways, and not just by seeing what shows on the electronic screens.

Another important point is that what David Rose brings up can also change the way humans think about smart objects. Their starting point is to make the design of the future objects warmer and more humanity, rather than cold, functional screen operations. Meanwhile, it also reminds everyone “having fun” is an important part of our life. I personally look forward to seeing some of these enchanted objects come into my life.

However, one thing I am thinking about is whether this future world means that we will be surrounded by a variety of electronic impurities. The development of most Enchanted Objects is more than satisfing the necessary needs of human beings, but to satisfy our unnecessary desires. I always believe that when human beings coexist in nature, they should always remember being moderate and keeping balance with their surroundings. Excessive pursuit of one’s own desires will inevitably lead to an imbalance between people and the living environment. The enchanted objects are definitely very attractive, but the future he envisions seems to be a future centered on “people’s desires”. However, since we live in a world where all things coexist, huaman beings are not the scale of everything. It’s important for us to balance the relationship with the surrounding environment while properly developing magic items.

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