Video project proposal (with Storyboard)- Clover, Jamie & Nan

Project Philosophy

People tend to believe that the development of things results from multiple factors, including environmental actors, subjective choice from an individual, etc. People may believe that the result of one thing in front of us is generated from all these factors in a reasonable way.

However, when too many factors are mixed up and intertwined with each other, how can we make sure that the result we see is led to by an integrative action from all the factors that we are aware of, rather than – a random result that can be led to regardless of what factors are influencing it?

Things, therefore, may develop in a random fashion, and the result may not be led to, as what people imagine, by the factors that they are aware of. Then, what is the power that is determining this seemingly random result?

Project Idea

An opening scene:

When water drops on one joint of your fist, the direction of where the droplet would go may also have to do with many factors, as you are aware of: the inclination of your fist, the roughness of your pore, or the orientations of your fine hair. However, do they actually making the final destination of the water drop different?


Project format

An interactive website where there is a storyline that the user can make decisions on their own, and different decisions lead to some result.



Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

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