Week 2: Thoughtless Acts Around Us (Xincheng Huang (Peter))

  1. Electrical Cords Around the Products

Electrical cords can be troublesome for our life. We are often encountered with situations when we have to organize a bunch of messy cords of our earphone or charger. Therefore, I realize that I have developed this thoughtless act of rolling any electrical cord around that electrical product itself. 

One potential solution for this is similar to what Apple did for their old MacBook chargers, which actually comes with two little thin plates that you can roll the cords on.

2. Walking on the side of the pavement

This is actually a quite childish act which I did a lot when I was a little child (and I still do sometimes though). Today in some parks you can still see children walking on the very side of the pavement for no reasons.

I guess a potential solution for this is to make the side of the pavement less stand out. Now, most pavements do look like what is shown in the above picture, with its side standing out as a separate line of brick. Therefore, this thoughtless act might come from people’s instinct of following a line, and if we make this line of pavement side blind in, maybe we can make the occurrence of this relatively dangerous act less frequent.

3. Pop up!

This might bring back some childhood memory. At least for me, it was almost addictive to just sit there and pop up one of these wrapping materials. I don’t think there has to be necessarily a solution for this, because popping up them feels great! Furthermore, I even think that if we could design a toy, which can be repeatedly popped up, it must be one of the top-selling toys around the world!

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