IML | Week 9: Training Style Transfer โ€“ Yufeng


As I’ve trained several models for the midterm, I only trained one this week. I did it on my own desktop with a GTX 1080 on Ubuntu for two epochs. Some artifacts are quite visible probably because the lack of epochs in training.


 Style Image

The style is based on a Blade Runner style poster I found on Pinterest.

In the following inferencing, I also used another one of models which I trained in the weeks before.

 Image property of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY.

The other style is Convergence, 1952 by Pollock.


I reused the code from my midterm project to perform a multilayer style transfer. I decided to experiment on transferring to two styles back and forth

Khrystyna’s World, #10103, by Todd Hido

The source image being transferred


The fusion of two styles works is quite effective but converges a stable effect with small “chunky” style transfer artifacts.


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