DMX Light: One Day (Chen)

Project Name: One Day

Group Member: Chen Xiong, Yang Gao, Ying

Progress: To begin with, we are quite struggling with the use of DMX light. It is designed for the stage, and therefore it’s hard to imagine a composition with these. Then we thought about music. Since it’s designed for stage, we would just use it for the stage. We decide to choose the theme song from the movie One Day. The idea is that the music has to have a story behind, therefore we could control the light according to the movie. We picked the song, which was used in a scene when the female and male protagonists were running by the sea. It almost immediately came to our mind that each of us would take in charge of one of the DMX lights. Two lights are for the protagonists, and one for the background setting. Then ideas extend a little bit here. There’s a famous Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet called Liang Zhu, where the protagonists Liang Shanbo and Zhu Ying Tai actually transformed into butterflies after they were separated, and they committed suicide.

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So we decide to use both of the metaphors. It took us some time to figure out how to gather the DMX lights into smaller light spots, and how to change the light spots. We test with different materials and ended up with cardboard. We practiced for a lot of times to make sure we do understand the function of the cardboard hoes, and how that affects the light spots. We used contrast colors for the protagonists (light spots). Ying and I were responsible for the protagonists, and Yang is responsible for the background color. If we had more time, we would compose the background better to fit with the protagonists, cause, for now, the background sometimes is too bright to make the protagonists invisible. Here’s the presentation of our work:

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