Audio Project Documentation (Shirley Liu)



Click the link above to view our Audio Project. I worked with Cecilia to create a story about a man who has lost his glasses but is still hungry and decides to make pancakes without them. The problem we ran into at first was figuring out what to make the project about. I had seen some cooking ASMR videos on youtube and really liked how the video focused on the comforting sounds of the cooking. I really admired how minimalistic the videos were as well.  We had many ideas ranging from creating a project in the perspective of a cook who had a visual disability. However, we soon realized that her sense of touch is what guided her around the kitchen and not so much the sounds of the ingredients. We still wanted to create a story so we came up with a guy who broke his glasses and needed to cook pancakes. We intentionally blurred the pictures to show that the guy did not have perfect vision and had to use sound to get around. 


For the visual aspect of the project, Cecilia made an outline of different clips that we might need. I used an iPad with an Apple Pencil to draw the different scenes of the story. As for the collecting the audio, I went to my room to record in order to ensure there was not too much background noise. I took my mixing bowl along with the other ingredients such as the eggs and flour to make the pancakes. We used the tascam along with the microphone to record the different sounds. Some of the audio files came out nice and clear but others were too quiet. For example, the dropping of the flour sound was very quiet and delicate so we decided to use Audacity to amplify them. However, after removing the background noise and highlighting the flour sounds, it became kind of staticky and unrealistic. I could not think of anything that could  mimic the sound. However, later on it was mentioned that through FOLY, we could have tried punching a pillow to imitate the sound of flour dropping into the bowl. For other sounds such as the one we used at the end with the delicious scene, we found on an open source website called  These clips were edited and then used in our project. 

I worked on building the foundation for the introduction page which included creating a function to mimic the effects of a typewriter. I think it allowed for us to set up a story type setting/mood. Cecilia mainly handled the coding part of the project as she put together the functions for navigating around the project. She figured out how to allow the reader to click items to progress through the story and how to integrate sounds along with the changing of the pictures.


Overall, I had a great time working on this project because it allowed me to explore a new area of interest that I never worked with, audio. I enjoyed learning how to use the recorder, the microphone, and the audio editing software as well. Partner contribution was distributed evenly and I am very happy with the end result. Cecilia handled the editing and mending of the whole project while I compiled the materials for the drawing and audio aspect of the project. 

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