Quick and Dirty Design Cycle Reflection – Xincheng Huang (Week 1)

In this quick and dirty design cycle, we proposed a design for Cindy.

Firstly, we took the step of emphasizing by watching and analyzing the video interview on Cindy that gives us an understanding of her problems and needs about using phones. In the video, Cindy mostly focuses on the distraction a phone can create, such as unnecessary pop-ups and advertisements. Therefore, we decided that we should focus on this problem.

The product that we designed is a pop-up filtering app. The way this works is basically that it gets access to the history of popping up of every application and gather them in a simple and clear list. After this, for each pop-up, you can decide whether it is a necessary pop-up or just yet another distraction, by simply swiping to the left or to the right. The app will then block all the pop-ups that are similar to the ones that are labeled as a distraction by the user.

We got very nice feedback from Cindy and we are happy with our design. First, our design is easy and simple to use. The design of swiping to left or right is adopted from dating apps and is thus very intuitive. Second, our design can achieve its purpose very well. It progressively learns the preference of the user and will adapt to her better and better. One possible modification is that we can gather the preference data from all the possible users so that the users won’t have to go through a long and tedious initial setting step.

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