Week 1 Reading – Jamie (Ziying Wang)

Design is defined as an intentional process of creating new things and methods. But through the reading, I realized that not all design requires specific planning for the design thinking process, instead, we are doing it naturally for some intentions. For example, when holding a cup of hot water, we try to use only two fingers to pinch the top of the cup instead of using two hands to cup the cup. Therefore, I regard design as something included in everyone’s life, not just creations by artists.

Wicked problems are difficult and impossible to solve because of the incompleteness, contradictory and changing requirements are often difficult to identify. There is never a final design model for every creation, phones are always evolving and customers are always longing for the latest model. This is because a design can never satisfy all our needs at the same time, that’s also why there isn’t a fixed model for the design cycle as it changes regarding the purpose it serves.

In the reading, Liz Sanders suggests that nowadays the focus on the mind map is on the user-centered design zone while in the past design was something professional and only focusing on technology. This indicates that designs are becoming human-need focused.

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