Reading Response1 – Ribirth Huang

This three reading analyzed the “design thinking” form different perspectives. Liu raised four different kinds of design thinking process. And compare the advantages and disadvantages between them, re-integration, and propose a new design thinking mode. Liu argues that the traditional thinking model is to too urgent to identify the key problems to solve. He advises that we should “start by uncovering the real problems, their root causes, and how people currently deal with them.” I think its a good idea of design. Only if we think deeper, and find the root of users problem, we can better “solve” the problem. As Liz Sanders argues that no matter in which kind of design mode, designer are working to meet the need of  users. Therefore,  knowing what’s the demand of the users, and what’s the problem they are facing, would be the first thing for a good design. 

Liu also argues that we should take “Human-center design” as the foundation. During the process of design, designer should not only think about the user of the product, but also other beneficial groups. I think design should based on they social and cultural background. As Richard Buchanan argues that “art” is crucial to understanding the new role of design and technology in contemporary culture, no matter fine art or useful art, they both have connection with contemporary culture. On the other way, human is the creator of culture, and human is also the center of society, therefore, no matter design (useful design) or science should take “human-center” as the foundation.

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