Kinetic Light: DMX lights composition ——Eric Parren (Skye Gao)

Partner: Louis, Candy

After the in-class test of DMX light, we realized that compared to other led light, the span of DMX light is larger and thus is more likely to create a environmental effect. So we decided to imitate Aurora in nature. 

Since the Aurora we encountered before are some documentary videos online , and from the documentary videos/photos, we found the Aurora is usually in a green tone gradually change to other colors. So we found some images online as reference and took the colors from them, in this case, they are pink. blue, green, and yellow. 

The composition mainly consists of gradual fading and changing of colors. The color will first show as green, and add gradually adds on the color of blue, pink, and yellow. At first we tried to place some gauze in front of the lights to show the flow and texture of Aurora. However, we found out the outcome was not very natural: we need to wave the cloth by ourselves and get out shadow into the scene. 

So instead of using we decided to focus on the light and making the light flowing through programming. We approached it by set the appearing time for each color slightly different so that the visual can be more natural and creates the effect of lights moving around. We also found a background music to add on the effect.

The ultimate outcome is very satisfying, we really like the quite and relaxing feeling our composition created. We, however, need to consider the color for carefully as we got feedbacks like the pink in the light is a little bit distracting.

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