Rec 6: Processing Basics–Roger Zhang(Marcela)

The motif is one of the symbols in a game named Forever Seven Days and then it becomes my favorite logo. In this game, this symbol means courage, challenge  and the spirit of teamwork, which is something I am looking for in real life. So this time I decided to draw this symbol. This symbol is in multiple colors so I thought it will be very difficult to draw the details of colors. So I decided to draw the shape of this symbol.

To achieve this goal, I divided this symbol in several parts: four triangles, two circles and one rectangle. Four triangles were the main body of the this symbol so I draw them at the beginning. It was easy to draw first two triangles on the mid-court line. Then I used some math method to calculate the coordinate points of other two triangles. Then I draw two circles and the rectangle and because they were on mid-court line so it was easy to calculate their parameters. I used black and write as their color because it looks cool.

After finishing drawing, the shape of what I draw in processing is very similar to my motif. Anyone who played this game can recognize it very soon. ( I asked some friends to test them what was this symbol.) But not only the color, but also some details of the shape are different. I could not set the proportion of each part of symbol exactly the same as the my motif. Besides, there were some curves in motif which I did not know how to draw them in processing.

I don’t think using process is a good way to draw this symbol. As I have said, it was different to show gradient ramp of the symbol. And then, because this symbol is a little bit complex so I need to set up many parameters and even some of them need use math knowledge to calculate. At last, I cannot draw some complex curves in processing. So I do not think it is a good method.

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