Group Project Rudy Song

“interaction”. I still think the definition laid out in the first week’s reading best described it: ” action-reaction principle applied to sound and space.” In addition, Crawford notes in his work on interactive design, “The Art of Interactive Design” that interaction requires communication. I agree with this more overarching definition of the word and I form my own definition around it. In my opinion interaction not only have inputs and outputs, but communication is key part in the process of having a loop of actions. All forms of communications, requires a form of translations, translation of inputs and outputs, which could be carried out by a machine or processed on an individual level.

I think interaction is an important part of existence. In Buddhist cosmology, everything exists based on the condition of having interaction with at least one other thing – interaction constitutes the fundaments of existence. When I think about projects that demonstrate what I consider to be interaction, first thing came to mind, it is the NikeLab Project, allowing customers to design their own sneakers. It seems simple but I think it best captures my understanding of interaction from the perspective of communication: when the design was inputted, it is translated into the production, and once more translated the individual understanding into the receivers of this message – the people who see this pair of shoes. The interaction is initiated from one person but serves to a larger audience in a less direct way.

So looking through projects I could only find one that doesn’t necessarily satisfy my definition of interaction. Infinite Looping Siri, Alexa and Google Home, I was, to be honest, a bit bothered by this project which utilizes three leading AI technologies. The inputs were going void in this infinite loop from my understanding, and the translation from inputs to outputs is missing.

Our project for the week was the Super Box Boo 3000. The idea for the great invention for the year 2119 was come up with in a rather mundane way but surprisingly enough our product did not violate serious ethical norms as our competitors. Dom thought of the idea randomly while out back and from there we worked diligently each on our separate roles, it was mine to construct the box itself. Our box satisfies my definition of Interaction because it takes input from your foot and gives the output of a 3d printed shoe, and your ideas could be well further processed when you wear the shoes out, which creates a cycle of interaction: human-machine – human.  

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