Week 1: Portfolio Site about Me (Winny Wang)

Course: Communications Lab

Instructor: Ann Chen

Link to homework website: http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~pw1101/week1/hw1.html

I created a basic website using tab skills in HTML. It was pretty easy to use different tabs to add information on the website, but I found it still complicated to get familiar with the coding structure. And saving the codes is also a difficulty for me.

I used many pictures connected with website links, in order to give my users a simple experience when they want to know more & go to another website.

To improve my website, I want to learn more about creating <style> tabs and how to manipulate the space among texts and pictures. I would like to put my main picture in the center for a better visual effect. But since I haven’t learned about that, for this time, I keep all my info on the left side. 

Below is an exported PDF of my website, in case the link doesn’t work: 

My Profilo PDF

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