Week 7: Harry Paragas Response to Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono has the peculiar habit of interpreting everyday sounds and translate it into musical notes. In the interview, she describes a time in her life where she attempted “to translate the sounds of the symphony of birds into musical notes. Then I realized that since the singing of many, many birds was so complex, I could not possibly translate it into musical notations.” It was a musical interpretation of something which seems overwhelming, the cacophony of screeching birds that don’t seem to have any pattern, yet to her, she was able to envision notes that they possibly represented. 

This was a quite profound observation for me, much of what we are doing are mere interpretations of the world. As Yoko Ono said, they don’t have to be limited by time, space, dimension, even seeming to be “unfinished.” But really, it is filtered by human perspective. Art is very much up to interpretation. From now on, I hope to make work that while may not fully encapsulate the real world, a fair approximation.

Auld Lang Syne Millenium(remixed by Kenny G):
I found the lyrics here: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/kennyg/auldlangsynemilleniummix.html
It was basically an anthology of important quotations (from pop culture to politics) mashed together. In my eyes, it was as much a visual anthology as an auditory anthology. It is mostly a statement and response format, much like a dialogue. Again much like Yoko Ono, they took the foreign stimulants and used it to make new art. Kenny G took seemingly unrelated statements on mass media and remixed it to one piece. Again, it was taking stimulants and interpreting that as art and expression. 

TL;DR: art is an interpretation of the observed.

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