Thomas Tai | Findigs+: A personalized apartment recommendation and prediction service

Applying for an apartment rental involves a lot of uncertainty in addition to a steep application fee. With Findigs+, you can know your chance of getting approved before submitting an application.

First, the user will land on the homepage to select a city.


Next, the user will add their credit score, monthly income, and liquid assets to determine the best matches for apartments.


The website will return apartments ranked on the user's likelihood of getting approved.


Finally, the user can view their chance of getting approved and explore similar listings nearby.

This project aims to design and develop a new listing service for, a rental technology startup based out of New York City. A combination of machine learning algorithms and techniques is used to implement a state-of-the-art hybrid-based recommendation system. Using data from past user applications, the model can determine a new renter’s chance of success for a given apartment. The baseline accuracy achieved is 75% using a random forest model. This recommendation service will increase transparency for both tenants and landlords, improving the quality of applications on the platform.

