Marina Pascual-Izquierdo | Sensitive Chaos: A web-based multimedia digital collage.

Sensitive Chaos is a multimedia digital collage of layered images presented as an interactive website. Over fifty images of scanned drawings, documented writings of my dreams, thoughts and memories, as well as digital sketches and animations are layered and animated at different speeds in order to give a sense of depth and create a virtual space where a snippet of my consciousness lives.


A small fraction of Sensitive Chaos


This paper presents a combination of the research paper I wrote for my original capstone idea and the project statement of what ended up being my final Capstone. With the outbreak of Covid-19, I saw myself forced to leave the project that I had been working on behind due to the lack of resources I had available coming back home to Madrid. Consequently, I embarked on the journey on finding a new concept, which proved to be very difficult for me as I was so troubled by the circumstances surrounding me and the people I care for. After reading many books on creativity, I eventually realized that I had been spending too much energy trying to think of ideas that would please others, and forgot that if I wanted to create an honest piece of work, I most importantly had to listen to my own needs. This paper will explain the process I underwent in order to reconnect with my creative voice and to find a new direction in which to focus my work on.

