Isabella Pezzulli | Eden: A Pixel RPG Dreamscape Adventure

Travel with Eden to hone his daydreaming abilities as he battles monsters, completes quests, and unravels the secrets of a mysterious alternate universe. Can you help Eden find the confidence to shape his own future in real life?

‘Eden’ is a pixel RPG game about maladaptive daydreaming — check out the link below to download!

Eden is a timid student who often daydreams in class. Despite his curiosity for adventure, he feels trapped in his everyday life and anxious about life beyond graduation. One day, while lost in a particularly vivid daydream, Eden finds himself inexplicably transported to an alternate universe. He wakes up in the middle of Lilypad Island, a quaint village populated by frog-like creatures. As he begins to explore his new surroundings, he meets Scout, the mayor of Lilypad Island, who reveals to Eden that the universe is in danger from an evil entity named Evie. Scout believes that Eden has special daydreaming abilities that could help save the universe, and he sets out to recruit him to join their cause. Together, Eden and Scout journey to the Swamp, a once-vibrant ecosystem now tainted by Evie’s corruption.

As Eden becomes more comfortable inside the daydream, he begins to reflect on his life back home. He worries about his future after graduation and feels disconnected from his friends. Through his journey, Eden learns the power of imagination, the importance of friendship, and the value of facing his fears, feeling more confident and optimistic about his future.

Maladaptive daydreaming is described as excessive daydreaming that impedes with daily functioning or quality of life. This behavior is commonly linked with a deteriorating sense of self-worth and lack of motivation to think realistically and positively about oneself and the future, leading many to feel more comfortable living in a dream world, yet anxious and unhappy when unable to do so forever. The game’s focus on a young protagonist’s journey towards self-discovery and personal growth can provide a different and meaningful experience for players, particularly those who may be struggling with similar issues in their own lives. It may also offer a form of validation and understanding for those who have experience with excessive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming. Additionally, the game’s themes of self-discovery, overcoming fears and insecurities, and strengthening friendships may inspire and motivate daydreamers to take steps towards improving their own lives and relationships, while continuing to explore and enjoy what makes them unique.

Logbook / Documentation
