Hank Wu | MediaMoney: Social Media Revenue Simplified

Hank Wu | MediaMoney: Social Media Revenue Simplified

MediaMoney provides simple analytics for any public Twitter account. With this handy tool, you can easily see analytics and estimate how much advertising money your favorite Twitter accounts can make on average with each tweet.

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Tweets can make money. Is that surprising? While Twitter has hundreds of millions of active users every month, most of these users do not understand how much money is being made on the platform. How can an everyday Twitter user imagine how much money a Tweet can earn? Moreover, the income earned from tweets depends on interactions with everyday users. With this in mind, transparency should not merely be welcome but required!

MediaMoney answers this need. It is a simple Twitter analytics website that enables users to explore various performance metrics for their favorite public Twitter accounts. More importantly, this tool also provides advertising estimates that give users a rough idea of how much money Twitter influencers can make for each sponsored tweet. Indeed, MediaMoney users can search for any public Twitter account to find advertising estimates. Users can even search for their own Twitter accounts!
For example, a user viewing a viral Robert Downey Jr. tweet in their timeline now has options. He or she can simply search RobertDowneyJr on the MediaMoney website and pull up relevant statistics. MediaMoney will display a myriad of information ranging from how many likes per Tweet the famous actor receives to a dollar range of how much advertisers might pay him for a sponsored tweet.
Built using common web development standards, MediaMoney sources its data directly from Twitter. Thus, the site is freely and easily accessible from any computer with a web browser. Furthermore, because the data MediaMoney uses comes directly from Twitter, it is highly accurate and trustworthy. The website then applies a custom model onto that data to estimate potential earnings from advertising. Our model was built carefully to ensure accuracy for its users.
With this handy tool, users can finally understand the collective value of their social media interactions. Although advertising is more complicated now then perhaps any other point in history, MediaMoney puts the power of information back into the hands of the consumer.
