Allie Gaylord | The Conscious Collection: Short From Videos for Consumption Change

The Conscious Collection is an educational web-platform designed to inform consumers on the maladies of the fast fashion industry and highlight strategies for lasting sustainable consumption. Through a library of short form informational videos and educational how-to articles, viewers will begin their own journeys towards more sustainable consumption.

The Conscious Collection Webpage


Video and Article Sections


The Conscious Collection TikTok

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world; it is the largest consumer of the world’s water supply, making up 10% of the global carbon emissions and responsible for more emissions than those generated from international flights and maritime shipping combined. The detrimental effects of the fast fashion industry are no secret, yet the average consumer remains unaware of the venomous realities underlying the fashion industry. From supply chains to living wages to pollution, consumers actively choose to remain blissfully uninformed regarding the consequences tied to the convenience of consuming fast fashion goods. It has become increasingly clear that, for the vulnerable populations most at risk from this malignant industry, in addition to the toll fast fashion takes on the environment, reform is our only sustainable outcome. But how can we bring about this change as a society? Our only way toward a sustainable future is changing the consumption habits of individuals by providing accessible educational and informational content on these topics surrounding sustainable fashion.

My project aims to address this overarching goal through three specific objectives: (1) showcase the need for reform through comprehensive research (2) highlight strategies to evoke sustainable change for application by consumers in combating fashion consumption issues and (3) raise awareness about sustainable fashion topics through educational videos accessible to consumers via both the social media platform TikTok (@TheConsciousCollection) and an online web platform ( The Conscious Collection platform aims to engage with viewers using robust learning strategies to educate on sustainability in the fashion industry. Through mining of previous research, my work outlined the successful learning techniques necessary to evoke consumer change: accessible online learning platforms, short form video formats, and behavioral change psychology approaches. As research indicates viewer retention drops exponentially after 2 minutes. The Conscious Collection hosts 32 educational videos that are both short form format and highly engaging to maximize viewer commitment and information retention. Specifically, these videos utilize specialized content delivery, such as textural graphics within videos, voice-overs for higher understanding, as well as imagery for greater viewer empathy and engagement. Concurrently, The Conscious Collection website incorporates behavioral change psychology into the online learning environment, through video and article section layouts, interactive buttons, video formats, and programs, to encourage prolonged website use, in addition to robust consumer engagement with video and textual content sections. Educational videos are split into 6 main topic sections for maximum ease-of-use for viewers to locate personal topics of interest. Additionally, each video section links to relevant articles to further encourage viewer learning and practice of learned material. To bolster user incentivization for watching and reading educational content on the site, the site will utilize a rewards program through partnership with sustainable fashion brands to provide rewards as viewers watch and read more content.

Finally, this project utilizes the TikTok platform, as these videos on TikTok have allowed for greater exposure, viewers finding the website, as well as the building of a collection of viewers wanting to learn more on this topic. The Conscious Collection serves as a solution to easing the burden of the fast fashion industry through raising awareness and educating on sustainable fashion to prompt consumer behavioral shifts through a novel educational system of short form video formats and behavioral change applications.

