This project so far has been challenging and at the same time fun, as solving each problem one by one is like solving a puzzle.
Now, lets be clear that I am not the full creator of my code, for many parts of my code, I had to find methods and tutorials online.
Here is the big credit:
From the beginning, using the empty project template, a lot of things are already set, so the ground is already set, the only thing now is to set the environment.
I was planning my project Eye Among the Stars, and so of course, there should be an eye, and there should be stars.
With the help of Professor Moon, I have a grounding set for the eye. <iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>
However, the eye is quite simple, so for now I have substituted it with a sphere.
<iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>
and there comes the first problem that I am facing and remains unsolve at this current point, and that is due to the UV properties, the image that I have found to be covered upon the sphere, for letting it to look like an eye, is not placed properly.
But at least there is something complete, the eye is not done, and quite far away from what I wanted to look like, but it looks okay.
Then there is the stars, I originally think to let it do similar job of what I had on P5js, which is to have it scale bigger and then smaller to make it looks like it is shining, but then I encountered problem, in the end it didn’t really work, so I had to comment it and think to prepare it for later.
<iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>
Stars did come out okay, but there is also some thing I must complaint.
I thought my star image was not transparent, and I spend a lot of time doing photoshop to create an transparent background image for it, but, in the end I found out, that it didn’t help.
In the end it would still have an oddly looking white background, perhaps I should use an 3D model for stars?
<iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>
Similar things for the planet idea that I had, but there is the problem of setting it up on glitch, and I been looking for models, methods to work on glitch, I had spend a lot of time looking for it, and now that I think about it, why? WHY DIDN’T I JUST MOVE MY CODE AND WORK ON IT LOCALLY?????
This is the reason why the project didn’t look much different from the presentation, I have been doing worthless efforts, and problems that could be easily solved if turned mindsets around.
That is all, thank you for reading.