ICM Week 04

I tried to follow the 4.1: Particle System Simulation – The Nature of Code tutorial to make a bomb explosion simulation. However, I still dont quite get the logic behind it. I also dont get the splice function fully.   Sketch

CommLab Week 02 System Sounds

System Sounds: Hospital by Parth, Shohnigor, Damon Context Hospital in extraterrestrial biopunk society Dystopian society where biotechnology is overused by biotech megacorporations and oppressive government agencies that manipulate human DNA Overdeveloped genetic engineering and biotech Machinery has characteristics of living organisms, gore, insects Macro Concepts Biomechanical Biopunk The symbiotic relationship between organisms and technology Ancient Continue reading CommLab Week 02 System Sounds

Final Post-Mortem

I am working on my capstone theme, urbicide as the topic for my final project in this class. The project acts as a virtual gallery to display my machine learning artworks. Capstone Project- Synthetic Dystopia Presentation Slide: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE_YYsMXqE/zlcBhkZ1VstKkZyectYr-A/view?utm_content=DAE_YYsMXqE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Act I of Synthetic Dystopia is a Decay Convertor that literary converts an interior space into its Continue reading Final Post-Mortem