Head Back Home

“Is she at home already? Did I lose my only chance?” Although feeling defeated, I keep reminding myself that today was just a temporary retreat. “This is a strategic planning retreat. Clearly, I wasn’t ready for a big moment like this.”Deep down, I know I have always been a coward.

Assignment 2 & Research Documentation

Individual Research Topic Toy Animals Animal toys were always popular dating back to the small figures of animals and human beings made of baked clay, wood, bone, and ivory nowadays toy animals are generally made of wood, metal, plastic or rubber In India, clay animal-figures on wheels and other animal toys date to about 2500 Continue reading Assignment 2 & Research Documentation

Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology

Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology Two Arduinos communicating via I2C Communication We applied the Wire.h library which is used for I2C communication to connect two Arduinos and used a light strip as the output whose color is changed depending on the potentiometer. The effects we experimented with were NoisePlusPalette, colorTemperature, and Blink from the FastLED example Continue reading Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology

Assignment 1: Responsive Space & Sensing System

1.Write a 200-word blog post that reflects on the presentation and the reading, and builds on your project proposal idea. Reflecting upon the presentation and the article, my understanding of a responsive environment is an interactive installation artwork that reflects and depends on the performance of each audience. It uses various technologies and media within Continue reading Assignment 1: Responsive Space & Sensing System

Final Project Journal

PROJECT TITLE: Plastic Booth TEAM MEMBERS: Damon Chen, Winny Wang & Xiaoyan Kong PROJECT PARTNER: Sproutworks PROJECT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Plastic Booth is an experimental project intended to combine community service-learning and the environmental issue-learning of plastic waste. It first reflects on the The project will transform a corner of B1 cafeteria into a space Continue reading Final Project Journal