Responsive Environments

Assignment 7: IBM Watson Affective Computing Process

Emotion Translator 2.0 Description: The tone analyzing practice we did in class is able to derive all the emotions of a text in different values. For example, if the input text is Martin Luther King jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, we are able to extract different values of all the emotions, anger, fear, disgust, Continue reading Assignment 7: IBM Watson Affective Computing Process

Assignment 5: Micro, Meso, Macro

  Node: node-red-contrib-sun-position Project Description: Using this node to calculate the position/direction of the sun relative to our designated positions. The designated location can be extremely accurate, to the extent of road and street number. The value we chose is azimuth, which is the angle of the sun to the polar north. The value is Continue reading Assignment 5: Micro, Meso, Macro

Assignment 4: Automation & Emergence

Utilize Node.js and Arduino to create a communication via MQTT that sends and receives data from different remote users/systems. Create an installation scenario – where is this used, and why? Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Continue reading Assignment 4: Automation & Emergence

Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology

Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology Two Arduinos communicating via I2C Communication We applied the Wire.h library which is used for I2C communication to connect two Arduinos and used a light strip as the output whose color is changed depending on the potentiometer. The effects we experimented with were NoisePlusPalette, colorTemperature, and Blink from the FastLED example Continue reading Assignment 2: Artificial Ecology

Assignment 1: Responsive Space & Sensing System

1.Write a 200-word blog post that reflects on the presentation and the reading, and builds on your project proposal idea. Reflecting upon the presentation and the article, my understanding of a responsive environment is an interactive installation artwork that reflects and depends on the performance of each audience. It uses various technologies and media within Continue reading Assignment 1: Responsive Space & Sensing System