Webcam Particles, Processing + Kinect Test, Processing + Spout + Unreal Engine
I decided to work on my physical computing project by using p5js and ml5 model as input. I am primarily working on BodyPose’s MoveNet instead of PoseNet, because of its advantage in accuracy and speed. P5js would detect a certain value using MoveNet and send a serial output to Arduino. According to Danny Rozin and … Continue reading ICM-Media Week 03
For this assignment, I decided to further develop on creating fractal trees using recursion. In the Fractal Tree Sketch from last week, I noticed that branching only occurs at the endpoint of each segment. I would like to add a branch at any point of the segment, not just the endpoint. Also, branching is 100% guaranteed by … Continue reading ICM Week 06
Fractal Tree Sketch I followed Coding Challenge #14: Fractal Trees – Recursive and Colorful Coding’s Recursive trees in p5.js | Coding Project #13 tutorial. I put noLoop() in the setup so the tree is only going to draw once every time. I would like to know how to animate in the draw function while keeping … Continue reading ICM Week 05
I tried to follow the 4.1: Particle System Simulation – The Nature of Code tutorial to make a bomb explosion simulation. However, I still dont quite get the logic behind it. I also dont get the splice function fully. Sketch
Still trying to work on my Field Condition Sketch from last week. I tried to add some interactions with a button, so whenever the user presses the add button a new “bouncing DVD logo” appears. The minus button would remove one off the screen. However, I failed. I think it would require using array functions … Continue reading ICM WEEK 03
p5 sketch For this assignment, I first planned to experiment with using mouseX and mouseY to create generative art. I planned on trying the simplest and easiest way possible, which is using lines. Inspired by Web Craftie’s video, I created this p5 sketch that draws interesting line art with your mouse. When I was playing … Continue reading ICM Week 02
Anticipations and Interests Being an IMA graduate I should be pretty familiar with p5 and Javascript, however, most of my work is not related to coding and I became quite rusty with my coding skills. I hope during ICM I could pick up these skills and strengthen them to create generative art. I have also … Continue reading ICM Week 01