Assignment 1a

  • When you hear the words “Artificial Intelligence”, what are the first four things that come to your mind? (p.11)
  1. Robots taking over, like in Westworld and Ex Machina
  2. Nowadays we use artificial intelligence to substitute our own intelligence 
  3. Humans playing the role of God, creating conscious beings 
  4.  To create Artificial Intelligence we need to understand our brains
  • Answer the questions from the “Everyday AI Activity” on pages 23-28 of the A People’s Guide to AI.

– Think about the devices and/or digital services you use daily. Write below a list of the top three that are present in your life

  1. Alexa, Siri, Phillips Hue
  2. Recommendation of related pictures on Pinterest, super useful
  3. Translation for foreign websites in chrome 

– See if you can recall a similar moment and write about it below:

I once asked my friend about a specific brand of instant coffee he was drinking. Later that night I saw the advertisement for that brand of coffee on my phone. 

– Take a moment to see if you can identify what function AI plays in the following list. If you get lost, go back to the examples of AI In Action on page 17:

Email inbox: Spam filtering, Check depositing: handwriting recognition, Texting and mobile keyboards: handwriting recognition, Netflix: recommendation engines, Google: virtual assistants/recommendation engines, Social media platforms: facial recognition/recommendation engines, Automated message system: conversational systems

– What do we gain by having AI in our everyday lives?

To do less work and save time.

– What do we lose by having AI in our daily lives?

Certain jobs and the simple way of life

– Use the prompts below to help design an AI system:

Problem to address: I’m always procrastinating 

How can AI solve this problem: AI can manage my daily life, reminding me when to do something and what is the most efficient way to do it 

What role will humans have in addressing this issue: We need to feed AI enough data and lots of private information

What data do we need to create the AI: The user’s daily routine, schedules, preference…

How will you responsibly gather this data: The user needs to sign some form of documents before purchase 



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