Week 2: Reading II, Garden of Forking Path

Find phrases or words that explore ‘time’, and describe in what sense these ideas are related to “The Garden of Forking Paths”

  • “An invisible labyrinth of time”
  • “infinite series of time”
  • “dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times”
  • “network of times”
  • “all possibilities of time”
  • “various futures”, “innumerable futures”, “diverse futures, diverse times”

The Garden of Forking Paths reveals that the labyrinth is actually in time, not in space. In this fictional novel, Jorge Luis Borges provides a different view of time, “an infinite series of time”.  There are infinite paths within each moment of time, both in the past and the future. One is able to choose infinite alternatives and all the possible outcomes occur in a “growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times”. As opposed to Yu Tsun’s belief in destiny, there is no uniform outcome and absolute future. Every interaction, decision, and encounter can break off a new possibility in time.  


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