Project #2: Proximity Sensor Research

Time-of-Flight (ToF) Image Sensors 

    • ToF technology captures 3D images by measuring the time it takes for light to travel to an object and back.
    • It combines depth and intensity information for every pixel, enhancing machine vision applications.
    • Capable of capturing both depth and intensity information simultaneously.
  • Components:
      • Consists of a lens
      • integrated light source
      • sensor for image information
      • interface
  • How It Works:
    • Illuminates the scene with pulsed or continuous wave light, then measures the reflected light.
    • Can use pulsed light sources to measure travel time of light or continuous waves to detect phase shifts.
  • Advantages:
    • Fast, easy to install, simple, and cost-effective.
    • Provides accurate depth information independent of object color and ambient light.
    • Compact, easy to use, with about 1cm accuracy and high frame rates.
    • Offers high resolution and real-time capabilities, working in low or no light conditions.
  • Limitations:
    • Issues with scattered light, multiple reflections, and interference from ambient light.
    • Performance can vary significantly between manufacturers, especially in working range and depth accuracy.
    • Limitations include sensitivity to bright surfaces and outdoor use difficulties due to sunlight.
  • Applications:
    • Used in robotics, logistics, factory automation, medical field, and autonomous vehicles.
    • Facilitates tasks like packaging assistance, volume scanning, object detection, and patient monitoring.
  • Impact on Machine Vision:
    • Revolutionizing the industry by providing detailed 3D information.
    • Enhances efficiency and capabilities across various applications, despite some limitations.


  • The VL53L5CX is a Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor with a (8×8)64-zone ranging capability.
  • It uses a SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) array for accurate distance measurements.
  • Incorporates physical infrared filters and diffractive optical elements to perform under various lighting conditions and through different cover materials.
  • Suitable for applications in consumer electronics and industrial fields, such as smart devices and distance-sensing requirements.
  • Provides multizone detection of objects, enhancing user interaction and environmental awareness.


  • Range: 2 to 400 cm per zone 
  • Field of View:
    • Detection volume: 65 degree

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