For this assignment, I first planned to experiment with using mouseX and mouseY to create generative art. I planned on trying the simplest and easiest way possible, which is using lines. Inspired by Web Craftie’s video, I created this p5 sketch that draws interesting line art with your mouse. When I was playing with the mouse movement, I noticed that the drawings have spatial quality when you move them in a straight line with constant speed. It reminds me of the field condition drawings I used to practice for architectural design. So I decided to make some improvements.
I have three goals to achieve: 1. automate the line movement, 2. regulate the speed and direction, and 3. restrain the movement within the canvas. This is why I decided to incorporate techniques from the Coding Challenge #131: Bounding DVD Logo.
Future improvements:
- Making old lines disappear
- the lines would get messy after a while
- I cheated with a similar effect by using a background with alpha, but it still has a “shadow” in the background
2. Switching from automated movement to manual mouse movement
- I want the audience to first view the pattern and start making line movements on their own
- Switch with mousePressed?
3. Speed change
- I want the audience to have full control over the speed
- or randomize the speed when it hits the edge
3. Colors?
- need to make it look nicer
- randomize color?
4. Denser lines
- increasing frame counts?
- adding another moving object?