Assignment 4: Develop Your own characte


  • Real Name: Director Lee
  • Nickname: Man-Worm/the Manggot
  • Age: 59
  • From: China
  • Occupation/Current Job: High School Director
  • Secret Identity: Vigilante
  • Favorite Food: Egg Tart
  • Hobby: None, he has no life
  • Interest: Vexing students at school
  • What Makes Him Happy: Punishing students at school
  • What Makes Him Angry: Students enjoying their high school life and students doing better than he did before
  • What Makes Him Worried: His hair loss, The Curse
  • Curse: Becoming a the Manggot at night until his final redemption
  • Cursed By: All students and victims of his abuse of power
  • Redemption: Eating racists and destroying the Natzi gang called PEEPOO

Background Story:

Director Lee was a loser at high school, but he did get a degree in education. After 30 years of teaching and kissing his superiors assess, he got promoted to be a high school director. He has no life after work, no hobbies, no interests, no kids, and no family. He is single and fat. He enjoys punishing students for having fun at school. He is jealous of the students’ youth and those doing better than what he did in high school. Students hate him so much and call him “Man-Worm” secretly because of his appearance and the way he walks. After a horrific event at school, which got all the students in trouble, the despicable Director Lee is cursed by an old magic spell. Every night, he becomes the Manggot, a human form maggot with a disgusting smell. His redemption is to punish the racists on the streets and save innocent lives. This is his only way to transform back to normal. He prays and eats racists until he encountered the notorious Natzi gang PEEPOO. His new goal is to destroy PEEPOO. 

Handmade Sketch:

Character Turnaround made In Illustrator:

Kinetic Movement:

Manggot moving like a maggot and his mouth moving?

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