Assignment III: Digital Art and Storytelling

For this assignment, I used a split-screen for the entire length of the video. On the left side, I tried to simulate the surveillance of me working in the studio, monitoring every movement I made. On the right side is a screen recording of my laptop, monitoring what I was working on. In this way, my actions and the process of completing this assignment become transparent to the viewers. I was intrigued by performative artworks using the CCTV system. Other than surveillance art, I was also inspired by the surrealist film “Un Chien Andalou” by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí. 

The concept of the video is to emphasize the process of finishing a video art assignment. This is why I reversed the title and named this video “ASSIGNMENT III”. The video monitors the performance of me and my laptop, which both are mundane and monotonous. However, I added a touch of surrealist and existential quality at the end, which hopefully added an unexpected twist to the narrative.     

The narrative can be interpreted as a student working on his video art assignment on the last day before the due date. Just like what most students do, he starts with carefully reading the requirements, concentrated and energetic at first. Then straight to the lecture slides, probably because he can’t remember a single thing from the last class. He goes on by researching for more video artworks and browsing these examples one by one. He even watches the works of his classmates for further inspiration. At a point, he fell asleep, leaving the screen on. His laptop seems to become conscious and overcome the full control of the screen. The machine plays more video artworks but in a disturbing and demanding fashion. He wakes up not noticing any abnormality, making the viewers question whether the existential crisis by technology was the reality or a dream. 


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