Production Design Resources

Blender Tutorials and References 

Tutorials for Basics


Liquid effect-Fluid Simulator


Paint Splash effect


  1. Create smoke simulation (to guide the particle system)
    • create a smoke flow and a smoke domain
    • adjust the properties so the smoke floats

2.  Create a Particle system

    • create a cube, (ctrl+1,2,3) to add subdivisions 
    • create a new particle system
    • adjust properties:
        • number: 50000,
        • lifetime:800
        • end:80
        • velocity:0
        • gravity:0
        • size:0.1

3. Create a turbulence force field

    • adjust properties
    • scale a little bigger
    • adjust properties:
        • strength:15
        • flow:2
        • size: 2 (make less spiky)

4. Add the smoke flow force field

    • Turn off the turbulence for the particle system, turbulence:0
    • add smoke flow force with the sqaure as domain

5. Animate the flow object

6. The vortex force field

7. Final tweaks to the particle system

8. Metaballs

9. Convert metaballs to meshes

10. The smooth modifier

11.  Sculpt the meshes

12.  Shaders and lighting

13. Subsurface scattering

14.  Tone mapping

15.  Render

Screen Recording 2020-10-20 at 2.18.22 AM particle system spaghetti particle system 2 particle system1

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