Music Poster

Damon Chen

Music: ”Sweet’- Cigarettes After Sex

My poster reflects my personal feelings about the song, which is solitude and loneliness. To be more specific, it represents days living in a foreign city. Imagine the following scenario: You are alone at your apartment in New York, sitting by your cold bed. The lights are off, but the busy city illuminates your room. You light up a cigarette, turn up the music, and look out the window. The streets are animated by the sound of quarrels and car horns. You miss your home, your loved ones, and your friends.

The composition is divided into two separate parts. For the right half of the page, I use distorted letters to represent the smoke, or the chaotic mind of the foreigner. The letters on the top are arranged in a way to emphasize density and texture. It can also be interpreted that the cigarette relief ones stress, and the smoke is slowly transforming into lyrics and musical symbols. The left half is composed of bold types of “1” and “0”, arranged in linear patterns. This is meant to emphasize how modern cities and technologies hinder human interactions. 

If I have more time, I would remake the entire poster. I think the idea of loneliness and alienation is not shown accurately. The composition looks too full and messy. 

Final Poster:

Final Poster (Inverted):

Work in progress:

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